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Dr. Doug Sinclair

Vice President, Medicine, Quality & Safety

Doug has over 30 years of experience working in academic health sciences centres as a clinician, teacher, and leader. Previously, he was chief of emergency medicine at the IWK as well as chief of emergency medicine at the Queen Elizabeth II Health Sciences Centre. Most recently, Doug held the role of Executive VP and Chief Medical Officer at St. Michaels Hospital in Toronto. 

A graduate of the University of Toronto, Doug has received numerous distinction and research awards including Fellow with the International Federation of Emergency Medicine, and the Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians President’s Award in 2013. He is involved with multiple boards and professional associations and is currently chair, Translating Emergency Knowledge for Kids (TREKK), part of a National Centre for Excellence program dedicated to improving pediatric emergency care for patients and families who live outside tertiary care pediatric centres.  

Originally from Burlington, Ontario, Doug has spent 25 years working and living in Nova Scotia. He and his wife, Paula, have three children, and they are now proud grandparents. He is also an avid cyclist and kayaker.

Doug Sinclair