Your safety is our biggest priority
Masks are required by all patients, staff, and visitors upon entering IWK Health facilities. Masks must be worn in all public spaces and in all areas where patient care is provided.
If you have questions before your arrival about your appointment or admission, you may contact your health care team directly.
Patients and support persons who have recently been positive for COVID-19
At IWK Health, patients and support persons will be considered COVID recovered only at least 10 full days after the date symptoms started or after the date of a positive test.
Patients and caregivers are asked to please let care teams know if they have recently tested positive and are still within the 10-day timeframe. If a support person is still within the 10-day time period, we ask that you please choose an alternate support person who is not currently positive for COVID-19.
While in a community setting, Nova Scotia Public Health guidance regarding COVID-19 isolation applies.
Important reminders for all patients and support people:
- All family/support persons should self-screen for illness prior to visiting the health centre and avoid entering if feeling unwell, and if you must attend an appointment at IWK health please don a mask upon entry.
The IWK encourages the public to continue to do the things that keep themselves and their families healthy and well. This includes seeking support for time-sensitive care and for any concerning symptoms or issues that may arise.
Please continue to have your child vaccinated according to schedule.
Please continue to attend well-child visits or contact your primary care provider or pediatrician if there are concerns about things like development, feeding or growth.
If your child has acute or chronic health issues and there are new or worsening symptoms or issues, there are a number of options:
- Please contact your primary care provider, pediatrician or specialist providing care for your child to arrange virtual or if needed, onsite care.
- The IWK Emergency Department is open 24/7 should you need to bring your child in for emergency care. Patients with possible infections are separated from those coming to the Emergency Department for other reasons. Infection prevention and control measures are in place to keep patients and families safe.