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Patient & Family Feedback

One of the ways we at IWK Health work to improve our delivery of care is by learning from the firsthand experiences of our patients and families. It’s why we encourage and welcome patients and families to give us constructive feedback. Feedback includes compliments, suggestions, concerns, and questions. We truly value knowing what we do well, and what can use improvement.

If you are interested in helping shape culture at the IWK and learning about becoming a Patient, Family or Youth Partner, we would like to talk to you. Please email or call 902-499-0213 for more information.


Dedicated feedback line

Our dedicated feedback line and email address is available for patients and families to submit feedback at anytime. The toll-free number is 1-855-495-2273 (IWK CARE), the Halifax local number is 902-470-7435, and the email address is

We’re committed to responding to all messages within three business days. We also offer patient experience surveys for patients and families across the services that we provide. Please find the appropriate link within the Online Forms menu (located below on mobile and to the right on desktop) to participate. We appreciate you taking the time to help.



Patient & Family Feedback Form

In the case that your feedback contains personal health information, IWK Health is committed to protecting your privacy in accordance with Nova Scotia law and the Personal Health Information Act (PHIA). If you have further questions about how IWK Health protects the privacy of your information, please contact the IWK Privacy Office at

Form submissions are monitored on all business days. If you have a health concern please call 811. If you need emergency help please call 911 or go to your nearest emergency department. For mental health or addictions crisis call 902-429-8167 or toll-free 1-888-429-8167.


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