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Pediatric Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Specialist a first for Nova Scotia

Man in pink jacket stands in rehabilitation gym

The addition of a pediatric physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist at the IWK is empowering patients and families. Dr. Jordan Sheriko, one of only a handful practicing in the burgeoning field across the country, is the first of his kind in Nova Scotia. Since starting his new position in July 2017 Sheriko has restructured the IWK’s approach to rehabilitation clinics with a focus on patient goals and outcomes rather than on their diagnosis.

“We recognize that we need to shift the focus of our interventions so that they are aligned with what the patient’s goals are,” says Dr. Sheriko. “By understanding what a patient and family’s functional goals are, we are better able to identify interventions to help those goals. Patients and families are more engaged, and outcomes are better. The patients are the experts in their lives, and the interdisciplinary team around the patient use their expertise to maximize their function.”

IWK Rehabilitation services provides services to children and young people with impairments due to injury or disease, with the aim of enabling the highest level possible of physical, cognitive, psychological, and social functioning. This may include specialized care for cerebral palsy, spina bifida, acquired brain injuries, spinal cord injury and disease, musculoskeletal injury and disorders, neuromuscular disorders, and other appropriate populations.

“We are very excited to have Dr Sheriko here working with us,” says Nicole Works, Coordinator, Rehabilitation Services. “What matters the most is what the patient identifies as their goal and challenges. By functioning this way, we dispel the myth that a diagnosis defines a patient.”

Dr. Sheriko grew up in Nova Scotia and attended Acadia University, completing medical school and his pediatric residency at Dalhousie University. He recently completed a fellowship in pediatric physical medicine and rehabilitation through the University of Ottawa in conjunction with the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario and The Ottawa Hospital Rehabilitation Centre. He is very happy to be back in his new position at the IWK.