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Visiting Hours & Policies

A stay in the hospital can be stressful, and we know how much it helps to have the support of family and friends during such a time. So we make it a priority to create as inviting an environment as possible for our patients’ loved ones.


Patients need their families, so family members are welcome to visit at any time. However, it is important for all family visitors to remember that their loved ones need lots of rest every day.

Friends and other visitors

Friends and other visitors are asked to call ahead to a family member before arriving at the IWK to see when would be an appropriate time to visit. Please keep in mind that if the patient’s stay is a short one, they may prefer to see visitors at home once everyone has rested up a bit.

Please check current COVID-19 restrictions.

In order to make the IWK environment as welcoming as possible for all patients, staff, and visitors, the following policies are in place. We thank you in advance for respecting them.

Important to know

Scent-reduction policy

IWK Health is committed to providing a healthy, safe, and scent-reduced environment for patients, families, staff, volunteers, students, and visitors. It’s why we make every effort to purchase and use products that are scent free, and ask all visitors to respect our scent-free policy if possible.


IWK Health is committed to the health and well-being of women, children, youth, and families. As health care providers we have a responsibility to lead by example, therefore it’s crucial that we provide a 100% smoke-free environment for our patients, families, visitors, staff, and volunteers. Smoking is not permitted on any IWK Health property at any time. Individuals who choose to smoke (including e-cigarettes) are asked to leave IWK Health property.

Quiet time initiative

IWK Health has quiet time on the Family & Newborn Unit from 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m., and we encourage visitors to respect this policy. Quiet time enhances care by providing families with a dedicated time to rest, as well as increases time for staff to teach new parents. This helps improve the overall health and wellness of families so they’re better prepared when they go home.

Taking photos and videos

You’re welcome to take pictures and videos of your family during your stay. We do ask, however, that you make sure you do not include other patients or other visitors in the background. To protect the privacy of others, no one is allowed to take pictures or record videos of other patients or visitors in the hospital without their permission. If you wish to take a picture or video of hospital staff or physicians, please ask permission first, and please respect their wishes if they decline. We may ask you to stop if it compromises privacy or patient safety.

Lost and found

Please check with Protection Services (902-470-7070) for lost items or to leave found items. The Protection Services desk is located in the Women's Building lobby, located at 5850 University Avenue.