Our Emergency department sees a lot of kids experiencing vomiting and diarrhea. Gastroenteritis also known as the "stomach flu” is a common illness caused by a virus or bacteria which in most cases can be managed at home and resolves within a few days. However, it may last one to two weeks.
Vomiting and diarrhea cause your child to lose fluids, sugar, and salt. The primary goal when treating gastroenteritis is to prevent dehydration.
Give small amounts of liquids frequently. Offer your child oral rehydration solution such as sports drinks with balanced sugar and carbohydrates (G2®) or electrolyte solutions (Pedialyte®).
Over a few hours, gradually increase the amount of liquids you give, as long as it doesn't worsen your child's condition. If your child vomits, take a break for about 30 minutes and then resume offering the same amount of oral rehydration solution they were tolerating before vomiting.
Every 5 to 10 minutes give children aged:
- 2 to 5 years 30 mL (one ounce)
- 5 to 10 years 60 mL (two ounces)
- Older than 10 years 90 mL (three ounces)
Slowly progress back to a normal diet. Once your child is drinking well, you can try offering them milk or watered-down juice. Slowly introduce these fluids in the same manner as the oral rehydration solution. You can start giving your child food as soon as their appetite returns. Offer smaller meals frequently and gradually increase the portion size. Avoid giving your child caffeine, high-fat foods, or sugary drinks, as these can worsen diarrhea.
Gastroenteritis in Babies over 6 Months Continue to feed your baby breastmilk or formula. You might need to breastfeed your baby for shorter durations but more often, or provide smaller amounts of formula at more frequent intervals. If your baby refuses to breastfeed or take formula, you can offer them 5 mL of oral rehydration solution every few minutes.
Go to the Emergency Department if your child: • Has bloody diarrhea or blood in their vomit • Has green vomit (yellow is okay) • Has severe or concerning abdominal (belly) pain • Is unusually sleepy or difficult to wake up • Has a fever for more than five days • Is inconsolable, even when not vomiting • Has less than three urinations in 24 hours • Is unable to keep any liquids down.
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