The Orthopaedic Clinic helps by treating children and youth in the Maritimes who have injuries and diseases that affect the musculoskeletal system. How we help...
Occupational Therapy helps children and youth who have limitations in participating in day-to-day activities like feeding, dressing, working, playing, communicating or being a student or...
The Neurosurgery clinic helps by consulting in the assessment, management, treatment (medical and surgical), and follow up of patients with injuries or disorders that affect...
Neuropsychological services are available to children and youth who have an underlying medical or neurological condition, or who have received brain trauma, surgery (e.g. neurosurgery)...
IWK Health has the only specialized nephrology (kidney disease) service for children and youth in Atlantic Canada. The nephrology service has a multidisciplinary team that...
The staff of the Medical, Surgical, and Neurosciences Unit (MSNU) helps by caring for patients and families with a variety of conditions and needs, including...
Our team of Medical Geneticists, Genetic Counsellors, Nurses, Dietitian, and Administrative staff provides genetic services to people in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward...
IWK Lab Services provides a wide range of laboratory services that support physicians and other health care providers with diagnosing and monitoring children and women...