The IWK Consultation Liaison service provides psychiatric consultations for children and youth being treated as inpatients on the medical and surgical units at IWK Health...
Physicians can request Collaborative Care phone consultation or one-time assessment from an IWK child psychiatrist. To request a consultation, please call Central Referral and speak...
The Mental Health and Addictions Promotion Team (HPT) recognizes that to achieve a healthy future there needs to be safe and healthy communities where children...
Three Community Mental Health and Addictions (CMHA) clinics, located in Halifax, Sackville and Dartmouth, help kids and teens up to 19 years of age, and...
About the Service Children's Intensive Services (CIS) provides mental health services to children aged 5 to 12 years. Families are referred by their community mental...
Adolescent Intensive Services (AIS) is a day and inpatient program for youth ages 13 to their 19th birthday with mental health and/or substance use disorders...
The Nova Scotia Early Intensive Behavioural Intervention (EIBI) program can help families of preschool aged children having a confirmed or provisional diagnosis of autistic spectrum...
Families are a key resource to youth as they grow and develop. During stressful times and when youth experience difficulties in life, families are an...
The IWK Emergency Department (ED) provides attentive and thorough emergency care to children and youth until their 16th birthday and to those with mental health...