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Dr. Darrell White

Board Member

Darrell is a leading hematologist at the Queen Elizabeth II Health Sciences Centre, and an educator with research and clinical focuses on transplant and non-transplant treatment of multiple myeloma. He is also the senior associate dean, Faculty of Medicine at Dalhousie University, and a professor of medicine—roles he represents as a director for the IWK.Darrell is an examiner for the Canadian Royal College International for Hematology, and a past chair of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada Specialty Committee for Hematology. 

A graduate of Dalhousie University Medical School, he trained in internal medicine at the University of Western Ontario and in hematology at Dalhousie University. Darrell completed a fellowship at the Myeloma and Transplantation Research Center at the University of Arkansas, and completed graduate studies in community health and epidemiology at Dalhousie University.

Dr. Darrell White