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IYS Western Zone Information Sessions May 2024

On April 10th, 2024, following a province-wide procurement and selection process, 7 of the 8 IYS-NS sites were selected.

Read the press release here: Youth Mental Health Sites Announced | Government of NS News Releases

We are now looking to identify the second site in the Western Health Zone.

*Western Zone includes seven counties: Kings, Annapolis, Digby, Yarmouth, Shelburne, Queens, and Lunenburg.


Upcoming Information Sessions in the Western Zone

IYS-NS is hosting 3 information sessions in the Western zone. These sessions will: 

  • provide an overview of the IYS Model and the vision for Nova Scotia
  • provide information on the upcoming procurement process
  • prepare coalition partnerships of 4 or more community-based organizations to submit applications to become the second Western Health Zone site
  • give organizations the opportunity to connect and discuss IYS
  • give organizations an opportunity to ask questions

Locations of the Information Sessions

Register Now

How can I learn more?

Information for the general public:

Information for community-based organizations:

 The procurement document is coming soon

  • Contact

    Integrated Youth Services (IYS) Nova Scotia