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Being Admitted

When someone visits the IWK as an outpatient, that means they’ll visit for their appointment and then go home again. Outpatients do not get admitted. Inpatients, however, whether visiting the hospital for a scheduled reason or an emergency, can expect to stay at the IWK for longer—either overnight or for multiple days—and in this case, patients will need to be admitted. For scheduled admissions, you'll receive a notice in the mail, including instructions and directions to your admitting site.

Whether you or your child are being admitted as an inpatient, the admitting works the same way, as described below. 

Preparing your child to be admitted

Your child is likely to be nervous, maybe even concerned about their visit to the IWK. You can help alleviate some of their concerns in advance by talking about what they can expect. Consider meeting with your doctor to help explain to your child where they'll be going and what will happen; remind your child that you'll be able to visit and stay as much as you can during their visit to the IWK; and look online or at your local library for resources about hospital visits that you can share with your child to put their mind at ease. 

The admitting process

The admitting area for adults and children is located on the main floor, near the Women’s and Maternity Services entrance. Assuming you’re visiting for your child:

  • Bring your provincial health card or hospital insurance number (including effective and expiry dates) and your child’s IWK Health plastic card, if you have one.
  • A parent or legal guardian must accompany children to sign consents for treatment and government billing forms if they are unable to do so for themselves.
  • You may also need to give information about allergies, immunizations, and infectious diseases, or any other information you feel is important to your child’s care.
  • Your child will receive an armband with their name. A special armband will be given to your child if they have allergies.
  • You and your child will then be accompanied to the patient care unit where you will be introduced to a member of the nursing staff.
  • To make admitting easier for you or your child may be admitted on the unit where they will receive care.

If your child has a cough, cold, temperature, diarrhea or vomiting, or has been in contact with any of the following list of communicable diseases within a three-week period prior to admission, please call the Admitting Department at 902-470-8103, or the unit where your child is to be admitted. You may have to reschedule your child’s visit to the IWK.

  • Chicken Pox
  • Measles
  • German Measles
  • Mumps
  • Whooping Cough

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