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Transition of Care Committee


The Transition of Care Committee brings together youth with health conditions, parents/caregivers, health care providers and community partners. Our goal is to improve the transition from pediatric to adult medical care. (Transition happens as a youth prepares to move from pediatric care to health care for adults).

We are recruiting youth with health conditions and caregivers of youth with health conditions as they are key members of this committee and guide this work every step.

The committee’s work includes doing research, developing guidelines, and having resources available to make the transition to adult care better for youth, families, and health care providers.  

Our committee includes:

  • Youth and young adults aged 14 to 24 years who have a health condition
  • Parents/Caregivers of youth who will be transferred or have already transferred to adult health care
  • Community partners and health care providers who work with youth and young adults, and
  • IWK staff and physicians.

Committee members have personal or professional experience moving from pediatric to adult medical care. We use this knowledge to improve transition care.

Our hope is to create a space where people feel valued and where a diversity of experiences from across the Maritimes guides our work.

What does the role require of me?

We ask you to make a 1 to 2-year commitment (starting in October each year). This commitment includes:

  • Going to the first orientation meeting
  • Monthly meetings on the first Monday of each month, from 5pm-7pm, October-June
    • This schedule may change
  • Project work outside of the monthly meetings

You’ll need to complete the requirements to become an IWK Volunteer

Why should I become a member of the Transition of Care Committee?

  • You’ll help improve the transition from pediatric to adult health care
  • You’ll build leadership skills and gain volunteer experience
  • You’ll learn more about transition and the health care system
  • You’ll be a part of creating positive change

How easy is it to participate?

  • We meet on-line so people can join us from across the Maritimes. 
  • If we meet in person, funding for transportation, parking, and childcare may be available to help patients and family members attend. 

How do I apply?

Please return the completed application (right side of this page) to Jackie Pidduck, Transition Coordinator at

For more information, email or call or text Jackie Pidduck, Transition Coordinator at 902-266-4054

Looking for information about transition?

The IWK website has resources to support the transition from pediatric to adult health care .  You can also ask your health care team to help you prepare for adult care!