Our Team
Maritime Newborn Screening consists of a core team of people at the IWK who collaborate with a large network of hospitals (laboratories and clinics), healthcare providers, and specialty teams across the Maritimes.
Core Team
Betty-Ann O'Hearn – Administrative Assistant
Pronouns: she/her
Betty-Ann provides administrative support to Maritime Newborn Screening. Betty-Ann can be contacted for general questions about the service, if a center requires more blotter cards or pamphlets, or if a family will be booking a newborn screen repeat at IWK blood collection.
Phone: 902-470-7998
Email: MNBSinfo@iwk.nshealth.ca
Corey Filiaggi – Genetic Counsellor and Clinical Coordinator
Pronouns: she/her

Corey is a board-certified genetic counsellor who connects families with the clinical team providing follow-up from the newborn screen. Corey can be contacted for questions about a baby’s newborn screen results, the clinical follow-up, or the newborn screening process in the Maritimes.
Phone: 902-470-2783
Email: corey.filiaggi@iwk.nshealth.ca
Emilie Alexandrowicz – Senior Technologist
Pronouns: she/her

Emilie supports the daily operations of Maritime Newborn Screening and Prenatal Screening services at the IWK laboratory. Emilie can be contacted for questions about laboratory processes, sample quality, or for questions about reports.
Phone: 902-470-8328
Email: emilie.alexandrowicz@iwk.nshealth.ca
Ryan Fraser – Senior Technologist
Pronouns: he/him

Ryan is the lead medical laboratory technologist of the Maritime Newborn Screening and Clinical Chemistry services at the IWK laboratory. Ryan is responsible for method development, project management, and overall quality of services provided.
Phone: 902-470-8328
Email: ryan.fraser@iwk.nshealth.ca
Dr. Zaiping Liu – Physician/Medical Lead
Pronouns: she/her

Dr. Liu is a pathologist who directs the newborn screening laboratory service, biochemical genetics laboratory services, and co-chairs the MNBS Advisory Committee. Dr. Liu interprets and reports newborn screen results.
Phone: 902-470-8429
Email: Zaiping.liu@iwk.nshealth.ca
Jan Kennie – Manager of Clinical Chemistry, Newborn Screening, and Referred Out Testing
Pronouns: she/her

Jan is the manager of clinical chemistry including core chemistry, prenatal serum screening, and other specialized chemistry tests.
Phone: 902-470-8530
Email: jan.kennie@iwk.nshealth.ca
Les information ci-dessus sont présentement mises à jour et la traduction française est actuellement en cours. Pour plus d’information sur le Dépistage néonatal des Maritimes, sur les processus de dépistage néonatal et les résultats, veuillez appeler le 902-470-2783.