CAUTION: The information on this page has been developed specifically for IWK Health. It’s provided for informational purposes for qualified health care professionals. This material is not intended as a substitute for consulting qualified health care professionals. Patient situations will vary and some information may have become outdated as a result of more recent evidence or practice changes. IWK Health will not assume responsibility for the continued currency of the information, any errors or omissions, and/or any consequences arising from the use of the information outside of the IWK.
IWK Medication Resources

Click HERE for Drug Dosing Guidelines, Parenteral Information, Drug Calculators, IWK Drug Formulary, and other resources.
Guidance on Antimicrobials and Pathogens

IWK Antimicrobial Stewardship page
Drug Information Service
Contact us by email:
Our hours of operation are Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Safe medication use
Seven of Canada’s leading health care organizations have joined together to launch electronic tools to help Canadians use their medications safely and appropriately. They include a free iPhone and iPad app, MyMedRec, and a website that have been developed by the Institute for Safe Medication Practices Canada with input from Canadian patient groups and health care provider organizations. Pharmacists can review and share this tool with patients.
Compounding formulas
View compounding formulas for a directory of the most commonly prepared non-sterile compounds at the IWK Pharmacy.