The second trimester of pregnancy spans from week 13 to 28. It is a time when you may start to feel better, have more energy, less nausea, and you may start to feel and look more pregnant than in the first trimester. Although everyone is different, you may start to feel little flutters of fetal movement as early as 17-18 weeks, but for others- fetal movement may occur after 20 weeks gestation. By 26 weeks gestation, most pregnant individuals will be able to feel their baby's movement in a predictable way.
For more information on fetal movement and what to expect, please refer to our infographic: Your Guide to Baby's Movements.

In the second trimester it is recommended that you receive an ultrasound, called an anatomy scan, usually between 18 and 21 weeks gestation. At this appointment, a sonographer will have a thorough examination of your growing baby, and takes a closer look at their anatomy( ie. brain, heart, lungs, fingers, toes, etc ). They'll note where the placenta is attached to the uterine wall, and they may also note the sex of baby on the ultrasound report. The report is usually reviewed with you at your next prenatal appointment.
If your gestation falls under 20 weeks gestation, for any urgent or emergency concerns that cannot wait until your next prenatal appointment, you are encouraged to contact 811, a virtual care, or go to your local urgent care/emergency department.
After 20 weeks gestation, if you have any emergency concerns about your pregnancy that cannot wait until contacting your prenatal provider, you are encouraged to present to the Early Labour Assessment Unit (ELAU) at IWK Health, which is an 24/7 assessment and triaging unit for pregnant individuals. Urgent and emergent pregnancy concerns under 20 week gestation are cared for in adult emergency departments. For some information about situations that may bring you to the ELAU, see the link below: