The first trimester of pregnancy starts with conception and ends after 12 weeks. It can often be a time when some may feel a variety of symptoms, including fatigue and nausea, but for others - they may have no symptoms at all.
The first trimester is a good time to establish a connection with a prenatal care provider. Your provider will help you determine your estimated due date and may order some initial pregnancy investigations like bloodwork or an ultrasound.
Wellness in Pregnancy
We invite you to watch our IWK Pregnancy YouTube virtual class, entitled "Wellness in Pregnancy". We encourage you to watch with your partner or support person, and you may benefit from watching more than once.

Commonly discussed topics in the 1st Trimester of Pregnancy:
What happens at your prenatal visit?
What are the optional prenatal screening tests?
Is physical activity safe in pregnancy?
Exercise and weight gain in pregnancy
Safe food handling for pregnant women
Mental health before, during and after pregnancy