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Bleeding in pregnancy

Bleeding and spotting from the vagina can occur for a number of different reasons in pregnancy. Although it can sometimes be a sign of miscarriage in early pregnancy, there are many other possible causes of bleeding. You should always tell your provider about any bleeding you have during pregnancy. 

Spotting is typically regarded as light bleeding that might result in a few drops on your underwear, not requiring a pantyliner. Conversely, bleeding refers to a heavier flow of blood that requires the use of a pantyliner or pad to avoid soaking through your underwear or clothing.

It is important to present to the emergency room or Early Labour Assessment Unit (over 20 weeks gestation) if you have any:

  • Heavy Bleeding
  • Bleeding with pain or cramping
  • Dizziness and bleeding

For more guidance on bleeding in pregnancy:

Bleeding and spotting from the vagina during pregnancy | March of Dimes

Bleeding During Pregnancy –