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What happens at your prenatal visit?

Regular prenatal visits with your provider are a way to ensure that both you and your baby are healthy and growing as expected. During your prenatal visit, your provider will assess how you are feeling, and may take some measurements like your blood pressure, weight, and count baby's heartbeat.  Your appointment is an opportunity to discuss any questions you may have.After 20 weeks gestation, they may use a measuring tape to measure your belly height (an estimate of baby's size). 

Depending on your gestational age, there may be specific tests or topics that will be discussed, including prenatal screening, recommended blood tests, gestational diabetes screening, ultrasound, or vaccination. 

As your pregnancy progresses in the second and third trimesters, providers will also ask about your baby's daily movements. They will want to know whether you’ve had any vaginal bleeding, leaking of vaginal fluid or uterine activity (contractions). We encourage you to feel comfortable asking your provider questions and make informed choice decisions about your care.