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Autism Education Series 

Nova Scotia is working to enhance and expand autism services for preschool-age children and their families. These new services will include more supports across the province.

As planning for new services continues, the Provincial Preschool Autism Service has worked to create a collection of learning resources to help parents and caregivers build skills to support their child.

We know that information must be trustworthy and reliable. That's why clinicians across the province have worked together to develop the education materials below. The series includes basic information about a variety of topics. While the strategies shared in the videos can be helpful and used in your daily life, these videos do not replace a service plan for your child. It is important to work with your clinical team to develop a plan that is specific to your child and family’s needs.

Ongoing Support

This is just the beginning. In the future, the series will grow to include more resources. The goal of the Autism Education Series is to meet parents and caregivers on their own journey. We will continue to listen and collect feedback from parents and caregivers to make sure that they have the information they need.

Using the Series

Viewers can choose what order they watch the videos in and discover valuable information and strategies to support their child. You are encouraged to watch these videos at your own pace. This means that you can pause the video and come back to it later. You can also watch multiple times, as there may be information that was missed, or you might have found a new way to apply the information.

A note about language 

Autism or Autism Spectrum Disorder, which one is it?

The terminology used has changed over the years. As we know that individuals with autism vary widely in their strengths and difficulties, the current official diagnostic term is Autism Spectrum Disorder.  In our presentations, we will be using the terms autism and Autism Spectrum Disorder interchangeably.

Let Us Know What You Think!

After watching, you can share your feedback about the Autism Education Series here.

Get Started 

Select a video category below to begin:

Understanding Autism

Comprendre l'autisme

Making Sense of Behaviour

Parent Perspectives

NEW! Parent Perspectives: Part 2

NEW! Parent Perspectives: Part 3

Autism Diagnosis: What to Expect?

Exploring Play


NEW! L’engagement

Social Communication

NEW! Social Skills: Part 1

NEW! Social Skills: Part 2 

NEW! Social Skills: Part 3

Positive Behaviour Support

NEW! Daily Routines

NEW! Transitions

NEW! Mealtime


Helpful strategies shared from the IWK Health Infant and Preschool Rehabilitation Team - not specific to autism.

NEW! Augmentative and/or Alternative Communication

Parents and Caregiver Self Care