The Mental Health Mobile Crisis Team (MHMCT), also known as the Provincial Crisis Line, is a provincial crisis service that serves all of Nova Scotia...
Are you aged 13+ and have arthritis, chronic pain, a previous cancer diagnosis, diabetes, cystic fibrosis, or any ongoing health issues? Will you need to...
This program or clinic is not administered by the IWK. Program information may be incorrect and/or out of date. Confirm details with the program or clinic provider.
prideHealth helps people who are two-spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual (members of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community) by improving their access to safe, coordinated...
Community Health Teams Community Health Teams (CHTs) are a service of IWK Health and Nova Scotia Health. We offer free navigation services and group wellness...
Bilingual Services helps by providing interpretive services to French-speaking families visiting IWK Health, and coordinates the translation of patient materials to a variety of languages...
The IWK partners with the Department of Justice to provide essential healthcare services to young persons in custody at the Nova Scotia Youth Centre (NSYC)...
The IWK Secure Care Unit (SCU), located in Waterville NS, is a three-bed inpatient unit that provides mental health assessments and care to youth who...
Who we can help The IWK Youth Forensic team provides assessment and treatment services to youth who are involved with the criminal justice system. The...
The IWK Youth Psychosis Team The IWK Youth Psychosis Team is a multidisciplinary specialty service providing clinical service, research, education and advocacy in early identification...
The Emergency Mental Health and Addictions Service (EMHAS) is located within the Emergency Department (ED) of the IWK Health Centre. The team of Registered Nurses...