People Centred Care (PCC) is an approach to care that is focused and organized around the health needs and expectations of people and communities rather than diseases. It includes when people seek care, and also includes attention to the health of people in their communities and their crucial role in shaping health policy and health services.
It is an approach that fosters respectful, compassionate, culturally appropriate and competent care that is responsive to the needs, values, beliefs, and preferences of clients, patients and their family.
Patient and Family Experience is an aspiration in our Strategic Plan. Information from patients and families can be helpful to staff, improve care, and help us design better programs and friendlier systems. Patients and families have an important voice at IWK and contribute to decisions that impact the patient experience.
Everyone’s role is important, and what we do together is greater than what either of us can do separately to achieve the best health for our patients. It’s why our care is based on partnerships with families, health care providers, and community supports throughout the Maritime Provinces. We encourage you to become an active partner in your or your family’s health care.
Partners in Care
The document Partners in Care: Our Shared Rights and Responsibilities, explains the rights of patients and families as well as staff and describes shared responsibilities as partners in their health care. You can read it in English, French and Simplified Chinese. It states that everyone (patients, families, staff, physicians, learners, researchers and volunteers) has the right to:
- be treated with respect
- be listened to and be heard
- be in a place that is safe (physically, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually)
- be active partners in care
- be given information that is needed to provide or receive the best care
There are several opportunities for patients, parents and family members to volunteer at the IWK and contribute their unique experiences and perspectives. For more information, visit our Patient and Family Partners Program page.