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2024 IWK Family Leadership Council Award for Excellence in People Centred Care

Patient & Family Experience is an aspiration of the IWK Strategic Plan. The IWK Family Leadership Council is pleased to present the IWK Family Leadership Council Award for Excellence in People Centred Care as a way to recognize an IWK staff member, health care provider or team for outstanding People Centred Care practice! The Award will be presented during an Awards Ceremony on June 14, 2024.

Patients, family members of patients, staff and physicians are invited to submit nominations. We are happy to assist if you have questions or would like help completing this form. Please contact (902) 478-2768 or

Nomination must be completed by April 30, 2024.

Thank you for taking the time to recognize an approach to care and service that makes a real difference to the quality, safety and experience of care for IWK Health patients and families!


About you (nominator)


About the nominee


Please describe why you feel this person/team has achieved excellence in one or more, or even all, of the principal concepts of People Centred Care. Provide examples of how they have made a difference in the care or service experience for patients/families.  It will be helpful for you to give as much information as possible to help us understand why this person is being nominated.  Your letter may be shared with the person you nominate, and excerpts may be highlighted as part of our Award Communications.

Four Principles of People Centred Care

  1. Integrity and relevance: Upholding the expertise of clients and families in their lived experiences of care; Planning and delivering care through processes that make space for mutual understanding of needs/perspectives and allow for outcomes that have been influenced by the expertise of all.
  2. Communication and trust: Communicating and sharing complete and unbiased information in ways that are affirming and useful; Providing timely, complete, and accurate information to effectively participate in care and decision-making.
  3. Inclusion and preparation: Ensuring fair access to care and opportunities to plan and evaluate services to people from diverse backgrounds and contexts; Encouraging and supporting clients and families to participate in care and decision-making to the extent that they wish.
  4. Humility and learning: Encouraging people to share problems and concerns in order to promote continuous learning and improvements; Promoting system improvement over individual blame and judgement.

Thank you for taking the time to recognize an approach to care and service that makes a real difference to the quality, safety and experience of care for IWK Health patients and families!